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Pat's Real Deal Blog
Sunday, 6 June 2004
Remembering D-Day - 60 Years Later

As we take time out of our busy lives to remember the heroes of D-Day, let us also take time to remember how American History COULD have been written had it not been for these VERY BRAVE souls (as well as the countless thousands of others who perished throughout World War II).

All done WITHOUT the Liberal spin and NO CONSERVATISM ALLOWED.

It has long been said by many that when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, Japan could've just as easily made their way TO OUR OWN MAINLAND SHORES.  What's even MORE FRIGHTENING is the thought that Japanese forces could've advanced as far east as Chicago before we knew what hit us.

The reason was that many in FDR's cabinet were over-confident in our own military capabilities and complacent to even CONSIDER addressing the issue of military preparedness in the event we were attacked.

In fact, if you saw the movie Pearl Harbor, this scene was played out with FDR complaining that we spent more time building refridgerators than we did war fighting machines.

Had we not responded the way we did, here's how I believe American History would've been recorded.

  • Japanese forces would've come ashore and occupied the whole nation by Christmas 1941

  • NONE of the now classic OTR (Old Time Radio) programs from that era would've seen the light of day as all three radio networks - NBC, CBS, and Mutual, would either be shut down or bombed.

  • THE ONLY present America would be asking Santa Claus in Christmas 1941 would be FREEDOM

Moving forward...

  • June 6, 1944 would just simply be another day under enemy occupation

  • Hiroshima would've NEVER been nuked

  • Japan & Germany would've eventually been at war with each other

  • The FABULOUS FIFTIES would've been ANYTHING BUT as we would be fighting both Japan and Germany for our freedom

  • We would NEVER have gone to Korea as we would be too busy struggling with OUR OWN Liberation to bother with anyone else's

  • World War II wouldn't end until 1960

  • JFK and Richard Nixon would've been campaigning to become our first President since our Liberation from Japan

  • Television would still an experiment and under development

  • Space exploration would only be a twinkling dream in our eye as we struggle to control disease and begin to remember life WITHOUT foreign occupation (or war)

  • We would still be reeling from our Liberation from Japan and Germany to go to Vietnam

  • The national goal of sending a man to the moon would be a goal to be accomplished during the 1970s or early 1980s at the earliest

  • The Space Shuttle program wouldn't get started until the early 1990s

I'm sure I've probably left a few things out, but I'm sure you get the idea.  :)

Do WE AMERICANS have reason to be thankful?  YOU BET WE DO. 

If it weren't for the BRAVE souls who gave their lives on D-Day 1944 (as well as all the other World War II veterans out there), much (if not all) of the things I indicated above would be happening today.

While words can't even begin to express our appreciation for what they did and the sacrifices they made, all I'm sure that needs to be said is THANKS.  :)


And that, ladies and gentlemen, is Today's Real Deal.

Cheers for now  :)


Posted by Pat Cook at 7:55 PM MDT
Saturday, 5 June 2004
Ronald Reagan - A President For The People

It is with deep sadness and regret that I report the passing of a legend both on AND off screen.  On the big screen AND the small screen.  In Hollywood AND in Washington D.C.

MANY actors in Hollywood have played the role of the President, but only ONE actor can lay claim to BEING the President.

That actor is NONE OTHER than Ronald Reagan

Photo Courtesy of The White House

Reagan came in at a time when America was struggling to make ends meet.  In MANY parts, lines of cars (some MILES long) were forming - JUST TO GET A GALLON OF GAS.  Gas prices were soaring out of control, the economy had a bleak future, the Space Shuttle program was just getting started, and over 400 people were being held hostage in a country hardly ANYONE knew existed.

I vividly recall the plane that carried the hostages touching down on American soil the day after he was initially sworn into office.  I was only a budding teenager then, but it was a piece of history I'll NEVER forget.  He didn't even say a word (much less make an agreement), but the Arabs saw something in him that we Americans (both Democrats and Republicans alike) was just discovering.

He was a man of peace.

Not only was he a man of peace, he was also a man of his word.  When he said he would get something done, by golly HE MEANT IT.  Not only did he mean it, he also DID IT.

In this respect, he was also a DOer.

Come Election time in 1984, we Liberals were hard pressed to find ANY weaknesses in ANYTHING he did.  Try as we did, we just couldn't do it.  Even *I* voted for him (and I was a registered Democrat), even though I knew almost NOTHING about the political arena as a whole (I was only 18 at the time and was voting in my first election).

Some would say that it's because of him that the "trickle down economics" policy became a Republican standard.  To that I say it was the shot in the arm this country needed back in 1980.  He almost single-handedly (and quite LITERALLY) turned the economy of this country around.  It was, in part, because of HIS work that made the '80s as memorable as they were.

He also introduced the political concept of NOT using mudslinging or name-calling during his campaigns.  This, I believe, is what made him identifiable with the average Joe (or in our case, the average Pat :)).

He even got the attention of (then-communist) Russia and Germany.  He was the driving force in their capitulation to diplomacy and democracy.  This especially rang true in his famous "Tear Down These Walls" speech in 1987 which could only be compared to JFK's "I Am A Berliner" speech back in the 1960s.

In popularity, he was equal to JFK.  Some hardcore conservatives would say he was BETTER, but in terms of overall popularity, both among americans AND foreigners alike, he was equal.

If I had describe Ronald Reagan in only a single sentence, it would be this....


Not just Democrats or Republicans (or even Americans for that matter!).  He was a President who represented ALL people.  You could say he was a "People's Choice".

Unfortunately, this is something which has sadly become lost in today's political world.  Now, it's about who has the most $$$.  And it's NOT just Republicans.  It's Democrats too.

And if EITHER party expects to have a chance of SHUTTING OUT people like Ralph Nader, we need to CLEAN OUT THE RUBBISH. 

If that means GETTING RID OF BUSH, then SO BE IT.

It is MY hope that the death of this legend will serve as a WAKE UP CALL to those in Washington (and those running for office in the upcoming Election).

If the politicians don't listen TODAY, people aren't gonna care WHO is running for office TOMORROW because WE ALL will be FED UP with all the BULLSHIT that's called "politics". 

R.I.P Ronald Reagan.  You will be SORELY missed.  :(

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is today's Real Deal.

Cheers for now  :)


Posted by Pat Cook at 7:32 PM MDT
Wednesday, 19 May 2004
The Republicans got their way again by approving (as
well as browbeating us Liberals AGAIN ) King George's wish to have 2.4
TRILLION DOLLARS, most (if not all) of which will be used in the War in
Iraq, even though his majesty nor his henchmen will NEVER admit it. 
Sure it still has to pass the Sanate, but let's face it, given how corrupt
our government is, this is only a formality and merely symbolic. 
I fully expect the bill to be on his majesty's desk by the end of next


Posted by Pat Cook at 7:19 PM MDT
Those Republicans Sure LOVE Their Name-Calling, Don't They?
Hello everyone....

Welcome to my little corner of the world where there's
just two simple rules...

1) The American Flag flies high in the sky

2). Name-calling Republicans aren't allowed

That said, it's time for today's Real Deal.

Just saw this posted on a (predominately) Conservative
group I'm in ( my so-called beloved
& Friends Yahoo! Fan Club
) that just burns me up. Get a

Said on Monday that the
American Flag does not belong to Republicans. Yes the man that killed little
children and raped women (well he just saw it). Is claiming the higher
moral ground.

His slut daughter might
be higher on something else.

You Conservatives out there must either be 1). INCREDIBLY
desperate to hang on to whatever credibility you still have left or B).
Have NO credibility whatsoever (because you lost in in the way you're handling
the War in Iraq), so you're NOW trying to use Kerry's daughter to TRUMP
UP some credibility to save what little face and dignity you have left.

You guys will stop at NOTHING will you?

Just because John Kerry is a self-admitted war criminal
DOES NOT make his daughter any less of an angel. Also, what PROOF
(since you guys on the aforementioned Fox & Friends Yahoo! Group seem
to thrive on this) do you have that CLEARLY NDICATES that John Kerry was
partisan to the raping of women? Where and when did he rape them?
How 'bout the Alleged killing of little children (which tbhis moron also
claims)? All I keep hearing about from the Kerry camp is the war crimes
(and even that is because he admits to 'em even though he's probably flipped
a few times since the 1970s). If you really wanna see ME stoop
to the level of intelligence level of the MORON who posted the above crap
in a Yahoo! forum. Let me ask you THIS....

How many people has your beloved George W. Bush (who has
proven himself to be THE sorriest excuse of a President since Nixon) killed
during HIS military days?

I probably bet you don't even wanna go ANYWHERE NEAR THAT,
do you?

All you idiots seem to care about is that he served his
country. Maybe THAT is why you have a prison abuse scandal in Iraq
right now, isn't it?

You might be able to cast me off as reacting to this as
if I were old man Kennedy, but accusations like (especially those WITH
NO MERIT WHATSOEVER) can't go unnoticed. Do you Conservatives have
ANY PROOF WHATSOEVER to support your claims? If not, if you Conservatives
Republicans really want to keep what little dignity you have left,
you had best better SHUT THE FUCK UP!!

Hmmmm....Why do I get the feeling that Kerry and Bush
won't be the only ones going toe-to-toe?

And THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is today's Real Deal.

Posted by Pat Cook at 1:14 PM MDT
Updated: Wednesday, 19 May 2004 1:22 PM MDT
Saturday, 15 May 2004
By the way, in case you've been wondering WHY the Tag
Board hasn't been usable on the main blog page (NOT the disabled link on
the left hand side, but rather the actual board where I have all my other
graphical stuff 
my main blog page
),  Greg over at 
TagBoard.com posted  this
possible explaination
as to WHY the board doesn't seem
to exist.

From the way he describes it though, it almost sounds
like someone just simply broke in and TOOK the Hard Drive which it lived
on along with the computer it was mounted in.  In my PM to Greg, I
told him it had me wondering just how SECURE their facilities REALLY were,
but wished him luck in finding the Hard Drive.

Anyhow, if you should happen to receive a Hard Drive which
appears to have a bunch of Tag Boards on it, PLEASE do the good folks at 

TagBoard a favor
so that I, along with dozens of other bloggers and
TagBoard users, can get our TagBoards back online (hopefully WITHOUT having
to replace the HTML code).

MANY thanks in advance peoples.  :-)

Cheers for now  :-)


Posted by Pat Cook at 10:54 AM MDT
After spending some time offline replacing my Hard Drive
(the one which had Windows on it), I am back WITH A VENGEANCE NOW!!! 

THAT is Today's Real Deal.

Posted by Pat Cook at 5:32 AM MDT
Thursday, 25 March 2004
Debut of NEW "Real Deal" Format & Same Sex Marriages
Okay....Now that my head has FINALLY stopped spinning
from all the political chaos caused by the Republicans (namely the Bush
Administration) and other things in the news that doesn't make much sense,
I can now blog about it.

But before I do that, let me preface it by announcing that from here
on out that, beginning with this entry,  my blog has been reformatted
to be modeled much like Joe's "Real Deal" on  Scarborough
As needed, I'll mix it in with the format from the old radio
show Bill Stern's Sports Newsreel as well by labeling each take
I have in a particular blog entry Real Deal 1, Real Deal 2, Real Deal
etc....etc   Sometimes I may only have one "Real Deal"
in one post while at others I may have more than one, hence the incorporation
of the aforementioned old radio show as part of the new format.

In other words, think of it as the Liberal version of Bill O'Reilley's
"Talking Points Memo" which you see so many Conservative bloggers try to
clone.  Sorry Bill, I've tried swallowing your style, but it's just
lost it's flavor.  :-(

Discussions of my family and other personal musings will be moved over
to the  KB0OXD Cybershack
Ham Blog
  which I also run.

That.being said, GET READY my fellow Liberal siblings as we're about
to give our obviously CLUELESS Conservative counterparts a ride down the
Information SuperHighway they'll NEVER forget  because we're about
to go into today's Real Deal.  NO PASSING GO. 
!!!!  :-)

Today's Real Deal- Same Sex Marriages

It is of little secret by now that President Bush wants to "preserve
the sanctity of marriage" which is now legally recognized as being between
one man and one woman.  Even as the rest of the world, includeing
celebrities such as  Rosie O' Donnell
and  Ellen DeGeneres
choose to seek out relationships with other partners of the same sex and
as the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
and other state and local governments and the courts remain divided over
the issue, the church-going Republicans want to go so far as to BAN same-sex
marriages.  President Bush has even gone so far as to suggest that
he would actually consider an ammendment to the U.S.
which would enforce this ban.

This idea is ABSOLUTELY LUDICROUS.  Moreover, I am SHOCKED that
the Democrats  DO NOT see
this as an issue WHICH THEY CAN WIN.  In fact, Presidential candidate
front-runner and Senator John Kerry
would rather not even discuss it (even though he has openly said he doesn't
think that same sex marriages aren't very proper).

I see an issue that has divided this country so much, you can practically

I happen to believe the so-called "Sanctity of marriage" shouldn't neccessarily
consist of just one man and one woman.  But rather, it should consist
of TWO PEOPLE WHO ARE HAPPY.  If that means one man and woman, then
SO BE IT.  If it means two women the SO BE IT.  If it means two
men then (again!) SO BE IT.

Some so-called "experts" have even brought up the notion that two men
or two women can't conceive children.  OF COURSE NOT.  If God
wanted men to become pregnant and give birth to children, he would have
given us organs to do so.  If God wanted women to get pregnant and
give birth to children regardless of who their sex partner was, he would've
configured a woman's organs whereas she could just that.  But I don't
think this is the real issue that Republicans, the clergy and many Americans

It is THE IDEA of two men or two women adopting children and raising
them.  Some of THE SAME so-called "experts" have even suggested that
a same sex marriage would somehow INCREASE the number of children placed
in the adoption system should there be a seperation or divorce.  My

Ohh....But the mighty Republican have an answer to that one.  THEY
DO NOT increase the number of children in the system.  They just return
an old one.  They FORGET that the one "sanctity of marriage" which
IS capable of children (the one they are so quick to cherish) and IS recognized
everywhere is the culprit as to why our social serices system is so bogged

Conservatives....Need some some clues?  Stop by your neareast 
or Adoption
  today.  Need MORE clues, then tune into an episode
or two of COPS or visit your Local
Police Station
today and take notice of the number of DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE
calls they get.  Heck, why even bother going down to the Police station? 
There are a bunch of Online
Police Scanners
filled with all kinds of police chatter you can listen

Ohh but WAIT my fellow Liberal brethren as our CLUELESS Republican counterparts
have a way of countering THAT.  Some of them have probably no doubt
said that if we don't reproduce offspring, this nation won't need a war
or a nuclear weapon to kill us.  We'll all be dead soon anyway and
with NO ONE around to defend America, the rest of the world can do anything
they want to us because THERE WILL BE NO AMERICA TO DEFEND.  To that

WE ARE ALREADY DYING OFF.  One look at the streets of Los
or New York is proof
of that.

Long and short of it simple.  The recognition of same sex marriages
INCREASES a child's chances of being adopted by LOVING parents by AT LEAST
DOUBLE.  The aforementioned Social Services and other related agencies
have case load after case load that the so-called "convential" sanctity
IS NOT always THE BEST environment for children.  and the sooner the
Republicans get that through their THICK SKULLS, the better off we'll all

And that, ladies and gentlemern, is the first edition of Pat's Real

Finally, let me wrap up by disclosing that I am NOT either gay or lesbian. 
I have met some gay people (and have no doubt crossed paths with a few
lesbians in my time as well).  I will admit it felt kinda awkward
at first just talking to them.  But once I got to know them,
I quickly found that, other than their sexual preference, they are JUST
AS NORMAL as any reasonably minded and rationale thinking "straight" person
like myself.

Somehow this is a misgnomer some people just don't understand, so instead
of trying to understand and comphrehend it, they ASSUME the worst and will
do ANYTHING to make the rest of the world just as paranoid as they are. 
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is a sad and tragic fact.

Just something to think about.

Cheers for now  :-)


Posted by Pat Cook at 7:22 PM MST
Tuesday, 23 March 2004
I'm Baaack (And Just When You Republicans Thought I Was Driven Off Too :-))
It's been awhile since I've blogged.
This is mostly because my cable company
decided to cut me off even though I had made payment arrangements and told
them outright that I could only meet them halfway in part. But since
they waives the re-activation fees (and installed my UPGRADE in cable TV
service), I really can't complain, so I'll skip it and move on.

While I was in the world of the offline and had NO TV (over the air
signals don't penetrate walls very well), my Dad died. Got a call
on the night of February 21st from my one brother Bill who lives in town.
He said he got a call from Hospice (I guess Mom gave them his number or
something since she was too sick and unable to travel). He said that
Dad's condition had become critical and that they were going to put him
on watch. The following day at around 1:45 PM, I got the news that
he had died some 45 minutes earlier. Bill left a message in my voice
mail as he was crying his eyes out. My Mom, who was set to have her gall
bladder removed the following Monday, was also informed as was my brother
Leonard, who lives in Kansas City, MO

Mom went in to have her surgery as planned on Monday February 24th.
We all figured that Dad would want that. She had spent the remainder
of the weekend before at Bill's apartment as the news of Dad's death spread.
She spent most of the time contacting friends (both past & present),
relatives, and anybody else we could think of. Leonard went straight
to the hospital where my Mom was as soon as he arrived in town (He drove
the entire trip from Kansas City to Denver. He even got a "souvenier"
courtesy of the Kansas Highway
in the form of a speeding ticket to show for it).

Both Leonard and Bill did all the running around and telephone calling
for the upcoming funeral so Mom wouldn't have to be saddled with anything
after surgery besides getting well. I spent the week with her at
her apartment so she wouldn't be alone at a time when someone in her position
shouldn't be and I also helped out as best I could with whatever she needed.

The funeral was on Friday February 28th at Fort
Logan National Cemetery
It was a wonderful service.
Both of my brothers spoke and gave eulogies and stuff. Mom was even
presented with the U.S. flag in honor of Dad's military service (He was
in the Army stationed in Germany from 1954-1957).. It was listed
in the obituaries of both Denver papers. If I find one online, I'll
be sure to post a link to the obituary here.

As for the political issues that went on during this time, I'll save
that for another day (my head is STILL spinning). But rest assured
Republicans, you WILL NOT like what *I* have to say. YOU ARE ON NOTICE!!!

Cheers for now :-)


Posted by Pat Cook at 11:54 PM MST
Updated: Tuesday, 23 March 2004 11:55 PM MST
Thursday, 29 January 2004
The Latest On My Dad

Well I paid a visit to Dad this afternoon
at the Hospice Care Facility today.  He looks good (apparently MUCH
better than he did before), but it doesn't look like he'll be released
anytime soon (this is due mostly to my parents' current living situation
- Don't get me started on THAT tangent).  From what I've been told,
he still can't hardly do anything (Even HEARING is a major challenge for
him).  He can hardly get out of bed, let alone do anything else.

Aside from that and a few aches and pains, he's his ol' usual self.

I keep hoping he'll be released sometime soon, but I'm told he needs
a night nurse.  And since my mom is NOT a licensed nurse, even though
she's his Personal Care Assistant, she can't possibly serve as his night
nurse and STILL be expected to do the same during many of the daylight
hours.  In short, he basically needs 24/7 care.  which is why
he's back in the hospital in the Hospice Care Facility.

His dies is mostly liquids as he can't even chew, so it doesn't look
like he'll get his appetite back simply by eating a six inch Veggie Delite
imported  from the nearby Subway
anytime soon either (I was able to pull this trick off with ease when my
Mom had Hip Replacement surgery several years back.  Jared would be
so proud.  :)).

Well....That's the latest news from here, now back to you in the studio
(Wait....I am in the studio.  What am I talking about??? 
:)  *LOL!*)

Cheers for now  :)


Posted by Pat Cook at 6:54 PM MST
Why Wait for A Manned Trip To Mars?

I keep hearing how badly so many of my fellow Liberals
want to send President Bush to Mars when it becomes to do so.

Well....I just couldn't resist the temptation to post this (and a manned flight to Mars is such a *LONG* time to wait), so I have a better idea. *devilish grin*

We all know that the Bush clan started this whole mess with Iraq in the first place, right? 
Of course we do.  What if we were to MAKE IT CLEAR to the GOP that
a trip to Mars just isn't gonna happen soon enough.  So instead, we'd
like to send THE ENTIRE BUSH CLAN on a ONE WAY trip - TO

I mean think about the possibilities here.

* The whole clan can build and amintain a ranch somewhere on the outskirts

* George Sr. and Jr. can use their GPS receivers or other similar souvenier
gizmos they got for being President and seek out and destroy all the WEAPONS
which are said to be in Iraq that used to belong
to Saddam Hussein, but has yet to be proven to exist.  While they're
who almost had to fight this war
almost single-handedly (not to mention who could've just as single-handedly
toppled Saddam's regime in the first place!).

* Laura & Barbara Bush can have a schoolhouse built so they can
both teach all the Iraqi children their ABCs and 123s.  And while
they're at it, they can also teach Iraq's adult population to "Just
Say NO"
to Al Qaeda recruiters who are ALSO believed to be still in
the region.

* Jeb Bush (Remember HIM?) can be head of the hired help at the ranch.

Why do I mention Jeb Bush?  Simple.  At least we wouldn't
have to worry about HIM running for President in 2008 against Hilary and/or
Al (Gore not Sharpton)


Comments anyone?

Cheers for now  :-)


Posted by Pat Cook at 12:37 AM MST

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